星期五那天,我和远远到Mahkota Parade 看电影 - Ocean Thirteen at 12:15pm,由于买一送一,我俩才花了6令吉看这部电影,蛮好看的,不错不错,很值得~嘻嘻嘻~
看完电影后(2:15pm)就走走,因为还没饿,所就走饿了才吃东西。最后 3:20pm, 我们都觉得饿了,就到Seoul Garden 吃 buffet, 学生价是RM16.99++ (++ = service tax 10%, Gvt tax 5%。 所以两人吃了RM39.25... Student price 比较便宜,但只从上午11:30 - 下午4:30, 星期一至五而已, 周末的话要RM26.99++ (午餐)RM28.99++ (晚餐)因为没有学生价。
东西的确不错,肉掩得很够味,很好吃,好吃~ 鱼丸等类便宜的,我们都不吃,因为很难熟,又很容易饱,我们只吃肉而已(有牛肉,鸡肉,鱼肉,虾等等。。)如果烤盘焦了,can request to change a new one. The chicken soup is nice if you add 紫菜, very very good ah..but don't drink too much else you'll be too full to eat other things. So, jst order for the normal chicken soup, those tomyam soup and other soup no need order..because you wont' finish the soup. 1St round we eat a lot~ then go for 2nd round...but 吃了两轮后,终于不行了,投降~corn 很甜很好吃!!! 甜品也很不错,嘻嘻嘻~ 可以自己制作ais kacang,六味汤,八宝冰等等。。。看你如何发挥~ 雪糕有六种噢~
我们在Seoul Garden 吃了整整2 小时 non-stop!! I can't believed it!!!
后记:吃了这buffet 之后,觉得很不错,有standard,但是却增了1kg.由于太饱,所以吃完后行动也不便,领悟到“物及必反,器满则倾”这道理, 所以吃东西一定要适可而止
~ 噢!! 要减肥了~
Eternal Butler 全面管控 (Taiwanese Series OST)
2 days ago
1 comments on "Lunch + Dinner @ Seoul Garden, Mahkota Parade"
next time must invite me go to eat harr !
haha !
more than 3 yrs not go to MP le
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