Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Chinese New Year Recipe

at 3:45 PM 1 comments
Ingredients needed:

10 banana

1 nian gao (slice in 2 mm thick)

2 eggs

1-2 table spoons

1 cup flour

smallest size of nian gao and sliced into 2 mm thick


cut a banana into 4 slices

first, mix the flour with 1/2 cup of water, add in sugar and mixed well.
beat the eggs in seperate bowl and add in, and mix well.
then soak in the nian gao and banana in the batter for 10 minutes.

start to fry you are..

when frying half way, try to mash the banana and nian gao and fry again, it'll turn another kind of banana kuih.

it tastes really good, try it and you'll have no regrets.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


at 2:58 PM 3 comments

而妈妈和kakak 及小妹则忙着煮团圆饭。 真的辛苦我们一家人了。。




go ru。。好像只有福州人吃。




mee goreng

“ 我来也”肉干

汤圆 -- 冬至

at 2:46 PM 0 comments



2008 年的冬至,我在马六甲过。。

Friday, January 23, 2009

Advise from dad

at 1:40 PM 2 comments
I'm happy that I've got home today to prepare for CNY.

But my dad scolded me for not coming back with the car but let my friend drive alone which is extremely dangerous for him.

If anything happens, My dad need to rush to MLK or anywhere the incident happen coz my dad is the car owner, this will cause so much trouble for him to travel so far..

I still remember when i get the car from him, i've promise not to lend the car to anyone else, he told me, "I trust you and that's why I give u the car", " I can give u the car and I can take back the car"..

if happens that i lend the car to friend and something happen, my dad will take back the car.

lastly, he told me about his cousin who lent his car to his fren and his fren use the car to carry drug, and yet he's the owner and he get caught. He's still in Jail until today.

I promised to him not to lend the car to anyone when i got the car from him but i broke his promise.

I don't blame my friend on this incident, but feel so sorry to him and my dad.

so, frens, from today onwards, I'll not lend my car to anyone.

Pls dun ask the car for me.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chinese New year Dinner with 郑传道

at 1:22 AM 0 comments
Hakka Restaurant at Taman Merdeka. (Turn right after pasar borong traffic light)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lovely LIyen's brithday celebration

at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Liyen is my very close friend, we use to call one another sis..
7th Jan is her birthday but she gonna celebrate with her hubby..
so, we celebrate for her on 8th Jan, at Amigo.
Liyen & Lim Teck
Happy birthday!

This is the present for liyen, there are 2 cows actually.

Here are the 2 cows, new family member for them.
(they already have cola bear and a hypo and mak dao)
every year we gave her little anak patung..

another sis, Christine with her bf, Ah yan.

pretty ..

new style of eating

Happy birthday to Liyen~

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


at 4:00 PM 0 comments
My another favourite Pianist from Korea --- Yiruma

The songs are soooo nice that you can have peace mind.

Famous Songs:

Kiss The Rain

River flows in you

Love me

or Try to listen the My favorite Yiruma's songs (full songs)
Detail about Yiruma:
Yiruma (born 15 Feb 1978, currently 31 years old, Seoul, Korea) is a South Korea piano music composer. Yiruma is well known throughout the world, and his albums are sold all over Asia, as well as the United States and Europe. His most famous pieces include "Kiss the Rain", "Maybe" and "River Flows in You" (First Love).

YIRUMA是一名在New Age界享有盛名的音乐家,他拥有着非同一般的感性和才华,并将其深深的融入每一首作品当中。他先后毕业于欧洲音乐英才的摇篮「The Purcell Of Specialist Music School」、「King's College Of London University」。YIRUMA师从现代音乐巨匠哈理森&S231;卜特卫斯,受到世界最高水平的音乐教育。他不仅关注传统音乐,而且对电影音乐也十分感兴趣,从大学开始,便以戏剧及电影音乐作曲家的身份活跃于乐坛。他的音乐以具有温暖的感性、温柔的钢琴演奏和浪漫的氛围,受到众多乐迷喜爱。2002年,YIRUMA在坎城唱片世界博览会进行了公演,在韩国他是第一人。此外,他的唱片在日本、香港、台湾和欧洲等地都正式上市,并受到世界乐迷的关爱。   在他的音乐作品里,融合了东方抒情与西方典雅的音乐风格。因主修古典钢琴与作曲,YIRUMA展现他傲人的古典才情与欧洲人善感的特质;同时,纯净与清新的东方特色也呈现在他的音色里。藉由细致的音乐性探触, 他精致的演奏技巧, 予人一种非凡艺术家的深刻印象。YIRUMA广泛的兴趣,包括音乐性的、戏剧性的、还有电影音乐,他在电影音乐上逐渐展露头角,并与几家韩国知名的电影音乐公司开始合作。 迄今为止,YIRUMA总共出版发行了七张专辑。其实,音乐工作者在创作演奏音乐专辑与创作流行音乐专辑的速度是不一样的。一般来说,流行艺人一年要发行一张专辑是很简单的事,但在演奏音乐界中,一年要出一张专辑并不是一件容易的事。在这种情况下,在他发表个人首张专辑《Love scene》后的六个月后,紧接着发表个人的第二张演奏音乐专辑《First Love》,而且为了让音乐更佳精致丰富,还前往到英国最佳的录音Studio "Metro Polis Studio"录音,这让我们可以想象的到韩国唱片公司STOMP MUSIC对YIRUMA的期待多么的大。 他的首张个人演奏专辑《Love Scene》封面是晨间里的风景,而第二张《First Love》专辑内页我们会看到纯白色的背景里,YIRUMA害羞站着的样子,两张杰然不同的封面设计当然也呈现在音乐的表现上。这两张专辑最大的差别是:第一张专辑里的曲子都是纯钢琴Solo的演奏曲,而第二张专辑有些曲子是跟大提琴相互对话的。在《Love Cense》专辑中还特别收录电影「男子与女子」和「Mission」的主题曲,YIRUMA将之改编成Piano Version。  

紧接着第二张专辑之后,YIRUMA举办了个人第一次的售票音乐会,其精湛的音乐演出让乐评深深期许YIRUMA或许是可以领导韩国New Age音乐界的新生代音乐家。他在国外更是受到欢迎,专辑甚至发行至欧洲、亚洲、美国地区,2002年的七月份为《First Love》专辑在日本发行赴日宣传,接下来八月份在台湾的发行,他也旋风式的访台;让很多台湾的乐迷,有机会见到这个韩国New Age音乐界的新生代音乐家。   八月份他为电影「薄荷糖果」Lee/Chang Dong导演的新电影「Oasis」编写电影配乐此张同名音乐专辑也于八月份在韩国发行。这对YIRUMA来说是一项很大的挑战,但他做到了。完成了电影配乐,他的第四张专辑音乐触角延伸到了动画卡通。而2003年九月,他的第五张专辑《From the yellow room》于韩国发行。专辑中我最喜爱的"Kiss the rain",是韩国的偶像剧大导尹锡湖力邀YIRUMA为《夏日香气》剧中的男、女主角宋承宪及孙艺珍所谱写的爱情代表作。继《冬季恋歌》后的再度合作,YIRUMA俨然成为尹锡湖的御用钢琴手。 在YIRUMA的钢琴世界中,你可以让疲惫的神经得到充分的缓解;可以让受伤的心暂时远离痛苦而随着轻柔的钢琴声静静漂浮。我觉得YIRUMA是个天才,就如同《THE LEGEND OF 1900》中的1900般为音乐而生。


Saturday, January 17, 2009


at 10:39 PM 0 comments


我有位朋友叫Vincent,在manipal念医,之前认识的manipal 朋友都没真正看过他们的书,




The meaningful dinner

at 9:56 PM 0 comments

(e)八真汤+面线,(a&b)饭店打包 (c)鸡肉蒸蛋。。
好享受。。喝着热热的汤。。配搭了不同酸甜苦辣的菜肴。。。 人间天堂。。


at 9:37 PM 1 comments





1月3 日。。入院。。。
due to appendix...

Praise God, she's ok and back to school today...

most important, she got insurance coverage from her dad as her dad is a teacher...

government servant... 在现今时代不再是铁饭碗,而是钢饭碗。。。永不生锈。。。管它经济风不风暴。。。 (好酷哦!)



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